Viewport size cropping animation

I created an animation in After Effects with a nested Composition (no masks).

For some reason, when previewing the Lottie file and changing the viewport size, the Lottie player seems to be adding an artificial “mask” vertically and cropping the animation (see screenshots).

Can anyone point me to why this might be happening?
How could I fix this? I’d like the animation to always stay “pinned” vertically and without these masked edges.

I’ve run in to this problem also on my animations. For some reason Lottie pads the animations in to a more square format. I can’t figure out a way around it. Someone suggestion to try fixing it in the coding where you are hosting the animation. The weird thing is your animation plays outside the cropped zones at the very end. That might be why its padding even if your comp is set to that more horizontal size.

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Yeah I ended up having to fix it where it was hosted, in the css, setting the width of the div to “auto.”

Strange indeed.