My animation plays fine in AE, but after converting using the LottieFiles extension everything is ruined, or sometimes not even showing

I have only been able to successfully create a very simple animation and upload it using LottieFiles.

The animations I’ve made which are slightly more complex or which use various effects and presets just don’t work with Lottie Files. Often they’re jittery or glitchy, sometimes they’re just not there with a black canvas.

I am totally lost on what I could be doing differently to make my animations 1:1

Edit, here’s an example of my problem:

Please help!

Hey Tom, maybe this might help to identify if you’re using any features that are not compatible with Lottie ->

It’s possible that this is why they’re not showing up like how you’ve designed them in AE. Also I recommend if you’re not already, joining the LottieFiles Discord channel and you could ask there as there are some really great and helpful designers there who I’m sure could assist you with this :slight_smile: